Friday, November 28, 2008

Bacteria Playing A Bigger Role In Fossils

-"Paleontologists were stunned when fossils appearing to belong to the soft-tissued embryos of marine creatures were unearthed in Chinese sediments a decade ago," says Science News.
-Tests are pointing to a process of three stages, two of which directly involve bacteria common in marine sediments, can reproduce the same fossilization effect in modern embryos.
-"First, the fragile embryonic tissues must end up in an oxygen-poor environment that shuts down autolysis, the enzyme-driven process that, in essence, digests the cell from the inside out," says Science News again.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fiddler Crabs

-Male Fiddler crabs are considered "liars as their big claws make them look bigger than they appear or seem, because they are actually pretty weak.
-They do this so they look like competition for other male crabs.
-They are just two centimeters across so can the "big" claws really hurt that bad maybe for another crab but not really so much for anything else.

Fiddler Crabs