Saturday, January 24, 2009

President Obama

This week, Barack Obama was sworn in as 44th president of the United States. As you may know he is the first African-American president. President Obama has already been communicating with foreign leaders including Iraq. He will be a historic person for years to come.
This article was about how President Obama would help "CHANGE" the United States, and how past ceremonies went during the inauguration. Obama's inauguration was historical because he used the same bible that Abraham Lincoln did when sworn in at the inauguration. This article also compared how President Obamas' inauguration went compared to former presidents. The only quote that stuck out to me was when he was sworn in, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
The second article was about how many people attended the ceremonies compared to other ceremonies, and how much the ceremonies cost. The official theme for the inauguration was “Renewing America’s Promise," was my favorite quote. In this article it said that it cost 75 million dollars more than any other inauguration ceremony. It also said that it had the largest crowd population in history, as you might have guessed. It also stated that it was so crowded, that everywhere in Washington was crowded, but most people who had tickets to the ceremony arrived late after 11:30.\
In my opinion I think that regardless what anyone says, I think that he will do a great job as the President of the United States. I do however wonder specifically how much they spent of just security itself? I also wonder, if America will like him enough to elect him for a second term. Once again I think that Barack Obama will do his job and do it good.

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